Major labels vie for dominance in global music market
The market dominance of Universal and Sony in the recorded music and music publising sectors remains unchecked as the latest MBW analysis shows Universal Music Group took 42.7% of total revenues accrued by the major record companies in the first half of 2015. Sony Music Enterttainment had a 33.3% share and Warner Music Group 24%. Together the three majors control about 75% of the recorded music sector.
In terms of music publishing, Sony/ATV remained way out in front with 51.2% of income in H1 2015. Universal Music Publishing had 30.3%, and Warner Chappell an 18.5% share.
Across the entire corporate groups of the major trio, including recorded music, music publishing and other operations, UMG claimed 41.2% of total revenue, with Sony following on with 36.3% and Warners 22.2%.
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