Streaming revenue now exceeds downloads at UMG
Parent company Vivendi's quarterly figures have revealed that streaming now provides a bigger share of revenues than digital downloads worldwide. Digital income had already overtaken physical and licensing revenues combined at the world's largest record company. UMG revealed that its recorded music income in the first nine months of 2015 hit €2.75bn - up 12.3% year-on-year or 1.9% at constant currency/perimeter. Within that figure, digital income was up 5.9% (at constant currency/perimeter) to €1.38bn - equating to 50.1% of the total revenue pie - and streaming accounted for 51% of its digital income in the final three-month period. UMG isn't the first major to pass this milestone, though: streaming income overcame download at Warner Music Group back in Q2 this year.
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